797 Properties for sale in Charente, Nouvelle Aquitaine (formerly Poitou-Charentes, Aquitaine and Limousin), France


Currently one of the departments of Poitou-Charentes, Charente is a peaceful area with a number of pretty riverside villages, cognac vineyards and unspoilt landscape. Even departmental capital Angoulême is only home to around 50,000 people, although it has a number of popular festivals. Although inland, Charente is only 45 minutes from the Atlantic coast.

CAPITAL: ANGOULÊME - Dating back to the 6th century, the history of Angoulême is still clear to see. The old town is home to many attractive buildings, a magnificent cathedral and winding cobbled streets, and a section of the original ramparts still remains intact. Highlights in the annual calendar include the classic car race, Circuit des Remparts, and the international comic festival.

Average property prices

Charente department: €115 000

Source: Notaires de France

Access from UK

By air: La Rochelle and Poitiers

By train: Eurostar to Paris and then TGV to Angoulême

By road: Angoulême is 737km from Calais


Average annual temperature: (Cognac): 8.6°C/18°C

Average annual rainfall: 777.1mm

Average annual sunshine hours: 1,995.9

Buy here if you want

Tranquil unspoilt countryside and sunshine


The River Charente passes through the department to which it gave its name and there are many pretty villages along its banks, including Jarnac. The only Plus Beau Village in Charente is Aubeterre-sur-Dronne, once the scene of battles during the Wars of Religion and now a stopping point on the St-Jacques de Compostelle pilgrim route. Other must-sees include capital Angoulême and Cognac.

797 Properties found

Region: X
Nouvelle Aquitaine (formerly Poitou-Charentes, Aquitaine and Limousin)
Department: X
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3 124m2
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Region: X
Nouvelle Aquitaine (formerly Poitou-Charentes, Aquitaine and Limousin)
Department: X
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Region: X
Nouvelle Aquitaine (formerly Poitou-Charentes, Aquitaine and Limousin)
Department: X
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